Tuesday 2 September 2014

Hello, blogsphere!

My name is Muhammad Hazman bin Omar. I am a good boy. I am not good in English. I have family. My family is happy.My age is 16 year.I go to school at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Rambai,Melaka.My hobby is playing futsal,fotball,bathing beaches,eat wind.My favorite foot is chicken fried rise.My favorite drink is milo ice.

I like my friend.My friend is a very spotting. They are azmil,irsyad and maknor.Because he is love to do comedy.I stay at Taman Rambai Indah.Every evening I and my friend playing futsal.I love to play in evening.I have beutiful class too.In order to learn to stay.

I have my family because my  family is very like to care for each other.My father is stady.He work at Cheng.He worked up motosikal.His hobby is watching television.His favorite foot is roti canai.My mother is fierce.My mother does not work.His hobby eat wind.